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Rodoma 1–12 iš 584


C4 400 Mounting Kit.

The C4 400 Fixing Kit is designed so that you can purchase your blades and foot pockets separately and easily assemble them.
•The single-screw design features a plastic fitting either side of the blade that, along with the foot pocket rails, secures the blade to the foot pocket.


Meet Lobster Neck Weight, the World’s first adjustable weight system for long underwater dives. And freedivers love it for its stunning design and incredible convenience.

125.00 130.00 

Meet Lobster Neck Weight, the World’s first adjustable weight system for long underwater dives. And freedivers love it for its stunning design and incredible convenience.


Antgalis su vienu lapeliu ir grūdintu korpusu.


Angalis su keturbriauniu, keičiama galvute ir dviem lapeliais

Rodoma 1–12 iš 584