Rodoma 13–16 iš 16


Kostiumas sukurtos ir pritaikytos laisvojo nardymo atstovams bei povandeninės medžioklės entuziastams. Premium klasė – aukščiausia kokybė.


The original anatomical cut of the jacket and pants was developed by the TRITON team for a perfect fit, maximum comfort and minimal heat loss during diving.


Ultra supple, comfortable gloves with an anatomical cut. Made with top of the line high durable and compression-resistant YAMAMOTO® 38 neoprene, the certified number issued for TRITON brand by Yamamoto corporation – 37112010.


Ultra supple, comfortable gloves with an anatomical cut. Made with top of the line high durable and compression-resistant YAMAMOTO® 38 neoprene, the certified number issued for TRITON brand by Yamamoto corporation – 37112010.

Rodoma 13–16 iš 16